Intel Sandy Bridge-E, analysis of the performance of the Core i7 3960X (Part 2) - Fritz Chess

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Fritz Chess

Fritz Chess is the strongest chess engine and the evolution of what he faced the world champion Vladimir Kramnik in Bahrain in October 2002. Millions of chess fans watched the games live on the Internet. Fritz was able to equalize the match (4:4), and Kramnik showed all his respect for the performance of Fritz when he said: "DeepFritz is stronger than deepblue!" The new engine is based precisely on that Fritz8 version of "Bahrain" and was further improved in positional play.


Good score in this benchmark, which does nothing but confirm the general situation, even if the CPU i7-980X does not record a score entirely away. Substantially distanced all other CPUs instead, where the gap is truly remarkable.


In the test of chess, it is clear that the best performance are obtained from the Intel i7 6-core architecture. The new Sandy Bridge-E can still score something more in terms of CPU compared to the 980X, that before the arrival of this new processor had registered the best score.

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